Display amino acid sequences

    This module picks the amino acid sequences from the PDB file either in three letter code or single letter code based on the users choice. If the SEQRES header is not available in the input PDB file then the sequence information will be taken from the coordinates.

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Display amino acid composition, molecular weight & volume

    The module calculates the composition, molecular weight and volume of all the amino acids available in the PDB file.

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Change the residues to poly-ALA

    The module changes all the residues as ALA except GLY in the PDB file.

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Remove hydrogen atoms

    The module removes all the hydrogen atoms present in the PDB file.

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Change chain identifiers

    The module changes the existing chain id with the users specified chain id.

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Remove zone(s)

    The module removes user specified range of residues from the given PDB file.

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Remove HETATM(s)

    The module removes HETATM(s) present in the PDB file.

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Renumber the residues

    The module performs renumbering of residues in the given PDB file.

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Calculate average temperature factor

    The module calculates average temperature factor for the given PDB file.

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Change temperature factor

    The module changes temperature factor value specified by the user.

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Pick atoms within a specified temperature factor

    The module picks three-dimensional atomic coordinates for the given range of temperature factor.

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Pick residues within a specified temperature factor

    The module picks three-dimensional atomic coordinates for the given range of temperature factor.

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Display minimum and maximum coordinates

    This module displays the minimum and maximum atomic coordinates.

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Convert orthogonal to fractional coordinates

    The module converts the orthogonal coordinates into fractional coordinates.

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Calculate bond lengths, bond angles & torsion angles

    The module calculates bond lengths, bond angles, and torsion angles.

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Change occupancy

    The module changes the existing occupancy value with the user specified value.

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Pick C, backbone & side chain atoms

    The module picks the user specified atoms from the PDB file.

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Apply rotation matrix & translation vector

    The module applies user supplied rotation matrix and translation vector to the PDB file.

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Convert PBD to Fasta format

    This module extracts the Aminoacid sequences from SEQRES or ATOMIC COORDINATES of the given PDB file and converts it into Fasta format.

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